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Speak Persian

The Persian language is so symbolic, so poetic. It's so silly, delicious, quirky... I think it was really important to know these sweet endearing, sentiments at the level of fluency. — Omid Roustaie, aka "The Caspian Chef"
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Course Introduction

The speak course is designed to teach you conversational Persian. Conversational Persian is very different from 'ketābee Persian' which is the way the Persian language is written. The lessons are designed to go from a complete beginner level to more advanced and are cumulative, so make sure to start from the very beginning. They're divided into 'units' of ten lessons each- read the description of the unit and start from whichever point you're comfortable if you're a more advanced learner!

Unit 1 Beginner, Part 1

In this unit, you’ll learn the basics of conversational Persian. We throw you right into the language, with basic words you need to know to get started. Quickly be able to understand and communicate in a conversational manner, and converse about topics that are frequently brought up in casual conversation.

Unit 2 Beginner, Part 2

In this unit, we continue our conversational Persian journey. We learn a bit more advanced conversation. After completing this unit, you’ll be surprised as how much basic Persian you’ll be able to understand. We also continue to talk about Persian culture, and why Persians talk about the things they talk about.

Unit 3 The Grammar Series

In this unit, we learn about the ‘why.’ We didn’t learn grammar to begin with because language is all about communicating. In this unit, you’ll learn the mechanics behind the language- now the rules will make more sense. We’ll go over verb conjugations, sentence structures, and other topics of language learning interest.

Unit 4 The Dialogue Series

Now, we put the conversation and the grammar together in a series of dialogues between Leyla and native speakers of Persian. In this series, you’ll learn words and phrases frequently used by Persian speakers, and test your knowledge of the language. This is where it all comes together.

Unit 5 Intermediate Conversation and Grammar

In this unit, we take our speaking to the next level. We learn more topics of conversational discussion, and also learn the grammar behind more advanced speaking.

Unit 6 Culture

In this unit, we explore listener’s cultural questions, and that vocabulary that is associated with different cultural topics.

Unit 7 Vocabulary Sprints

In this unit, we focus on building our Persian/Farsi vocabulary quickly and efficiently. Each lesson has a specific topic, and builds around a certain theme. These lessons can be enjoyed by complete beginners, and advanced Persian speakers as well. The more vocabulary you know, the more things you can talk about!  

Unit 8 A Separation

In this unit, we are joined by Yara Elmjouie to watch clips of the Oscar winning movie, A Separation, and dissect the language used in the movie.