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Learn to Read and Write Persian

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Our program offers a completely unique method of learning to read and write in the Persian language. Over the course of 30 fun and engaging video lessons, Leyla begins by teaching you the vowel system in Persian writing, and then moves on to the individual letters and how to put it all together. The PDF Guides that are included with each lesson provide lots of guidance and practical writing exercises as well.

This course was developed by Leyla’s mother, Farzaneh Nouri, over the span of 30 years of teaching the Persian language in Dallas, Texas.

If reading and writing in Persian has seemed intimidating before, we eliminate all that with this course!

Is it important to learn to read and write in Persian?

Many of our students are interested in learning how to speak conversational Persian, and not necessarily in learning to read and write. We totally get it- from the time we created Chai and Conversation, we stressed that all of our resources include the words and phrases we learn in English phonetic, so it's not necessary to learn to read Persian script.

HOWEVER, after years of teaching our Speak course, we added the Read and Write course and discovered a funny thing - when you learn Persian script, something unlocks in your brain, and allows you to absorb and understand conversational Persian on a different level as well. It's a kind of 'leveling up' if you will...

It's really not that hard to learn Persian script- especially when you follow the way we teach it. So we say DO IT- you won't regret it, and it will make learning to speak the language much richer and more fulfilling!

What’s Included

30+ video lessons: Follow along as Leyla teaches how to read and write the Persian language in an innovative way, by first beginning with teaching the vowels, and then the most popular letters in written Persian. As the course progresses, you'll be able to read longer and more complex sentences- in Persian!
Printable Lesson Guides and Transcripts: Each lesson comes complete with a English language lesson guide, and exercises to help you practice writing in Persian. The guides also include English phonetic spellings of the words so you can be confident in your reading skills.
Learn from anywhere and at your own pace: Once you’re a member you have full access to all the learning materials we’ve ever created- listen to one lesson a week (they’re only 15-20 minutes each) or more if you’re in a hurry. Our mobile friendly website also makes it easy to learn wherever you are, whether seated at a desk, or on the go.
Track Your Progress: Through our member portal, you’ll be able to mark lessons as complete and get suggestions on how to further your learning as you go through the program

The Core Units

Unit 1
Unit 1

In this unit, you are introduced to the Persian alphabet, and to the unique aspects of reading and writing in the Persian language. Also, learn about Persian vowels (they're different!) and how they interact with some of the most popular consonants.

Unit 2
Unit 2

In this unit, you are introduced to the Persian alphabet, and to the unique aspects of reading and writing in the Persian language. Also, learn about Persian vowels (they're different!) and how they interact with some of the most popular consonants.

Unit 3
Unit 3

In this unit, we complete our study of the Persian alphabet.

Want to check out all the lessons? Click here

Speak Persian

Speak Persian

Chai and Conversation is a different kind of Persian (Farsi) learning program. In fact, we are the only resource available that teaches PURELY conversational Persian rather than the formal, written stuff, which people don’t use in everyday speaking.

Check out Speak Persian
Persian Poetry


Even complete beginners can also enjoy our Poetry Series, where we learn modern and classic Persian poetry. These lessons are a wonderful way to learn more about the Persian culture, and to learn many words and phrases you can use in Persian conversation.

Check out Persian Poetry

What do our students say about the reading and writing program?

We’ve had great feedback…

As a Persian American, I have been familiar with standard language but have been wanting to learn. I started lessons 1-3 at 12 am and am super eager to continue learning this! Thank you so much, easy framework and takes the fear out from learning it! I am excited to read the Persian language to learn words in dictionaries and read poems written in the language which will help me expand my vocabulary and overall appreciation of this beautiful language.


Salam! I live in Nashville, Tennessee. I’m learning Persian because my husband is Persian and I want to communicate with his family better. We also have our first child, Maryam, on the way. I want her to grow up knowing her Persian side as much as her American side. I’ve started working on your writing course and it is so easy to pick up that I can do a couple lessons a day and still retain information. This program is amazing and really works!


I'm Iranian and can speak fluently, but not read and write. Just started learning reading and writing this month since I graduated from law school and have free time. Then I got stuck for the first time (on vowels no less) yesterday. Then I see this and boom I'm right back in. Thank you so much, there are so few good resources for learning Farsi!


You can learn Persian with us right now!

We make learning the Persian language fun, accessible and most importantly, ACHIEVABLE! No matter where you are on your Persian learning journey—join us!