Speak / Lesson 66
Emotion (Vocabulary Sprint)
In this lesson, Leyla and her husband Chris go over how to talk about emotions in the Persian language. This lesson is part of the vocabulary sprint series, so they go over several vocabulary words around the theme of feelings and emotions.
In Farsi, emotions are called ehsāsat. We learn a few of the common emotions, such as being happy, sad, calm, depressed, nervous, etc. In addition, we learn the word hāl, which means something along the lines of 'being.' So when we ask 'hālet chetoré', which means 'How are you?', you are asking something along the lines of 'How is your state of being.'

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how are you?
Note: In Persian, as in many other languages, there is a formal and an informal way of speaking. We will be covering this in more detail in later lessons. For now, however, chetor-ee is the informal way of asking someone how they are, so it should only be used with people that you are familiar with. hālé shomā chetor-é is the formal expression for ‘how are you.’
Spelling note: In written Persian, words are not capitalized. For this reason, we do not capitalize Persian words written in phonetic English in the guides.
I’m well
Pronunciation tip: kh is one of two unique sounds in the Persian language that is not used in the English language. It should be repeated daily until mastered, as it is essential to successfully speak Persian. Listen to the podcast for more information on how to make the sound.
Persian | English |
salām | hello |
chetor-ee | how are you? |
khoobam | I’m well |
merci | thank you |
khayli | very |
khayli khoobam | I’m very well |
khoob neestam | I’m not well |
man | me/I |
bad neestam | I’m not bad |
ālee | great |
chetor-een? | how are you? (formal) |
hālé shomā chetor-é? | how are you? (formal) |
hālet chetor-é? | how are you? (informal) |
khoob-ee? | are you well? (informal) |
mamnoonam | thank you |
chetor peesh meeré? | how’s it going? |
ché khabar? | what’s the news? (what’s up?) |
testeeeee |
Leyla: Learn Persian with trying conversation lesson 83 Hello and welcome to lesson 83 of third person with chime conversation. I'm joined today with my co host and husband, Chris.
Chris: Hello. Salaam
Leyla: sat home Chris. And as you know, we're in the unit of vocabulary sprint. So we're learning as many vocabulary words as possible in each lesson. And each lesson is centered around a theme. Today's theme is
Chris: emotion.
Leyla: That's right. And Chris sometimes probably prides himself on not being a very emotional person he
Chris: I'm going to refute that I'm very, very much in touch with my emotions.
Leyla: He really is. So It'll be a good good lesson for him, he can learn how to verbalize all those big emotions he has,
Chris: we should really bring our, our boys in. We have a three and a half year old. And a well, he's almost one. And if you want to see someone filled with emotions, just watch a three and a half year old.
Leyla: It's true actually toddlers are, are very well known for that and they're learning how to take those big emotions and how to express them in a really good way to do that is to go over emotions and actually that's something he really likes to do. He has a book that has different pictures for different things that you could be feeling. And I actually use that book when I was putting together the vocab list for those lessons. So without further ado, let's get into the vocab. So first of all the word for emotions or feelings is
Chris: ehsasat
Leyla: That's right. Ehsasat. So this is a little different word than we've used to- it has the 'h' sound. Ehsasat
Chris: Ehsasat
Leyla: and I can't really think of many English words that have that kind of a sound. So this might be unique a unique sound. So, again so sought in that stands for you know emotions or feelings.
Chris: Ehsasat.
Leyla: a person can be full of feelings like a very emotional person emotional would be be por ehsas
Chris: por ehsas
Leyla: Por means full poor, Por ehsas
Chris: Por ehsas
Leyla: Ehsas is just emotion. Or a person could be really rational and really, you know unfeeling and you can call them bee ehsas
Chris: bee ehsas.
Leyla: And that is actually a kind of derogatory word. It's not very positive it means someone who's cold
Chris: okay so not stoic but right but frigid maybe.
Leyla: It's not a good thing right stoic is kind of putting a romantic spin on it but bee ehsas. If you're if you're wanting to say to someone man you just are not understanding me at all you say bee ehsas
Chris: Bee ehsas
Leyla: so someone who is not understanding and again. So again, let's go over this. So ehsasat
Chris: Ehsasat
Leyla: Ehsasat, so emotions. Por ehsas or ehsasatee emotional. Bee ehsas cold, frigid, unfeeling. Okay. So another word that I really love in the Persian language is the word hal
Chris: Hal.
Leyla: So again, a lot of his in here, but hal is the word that we use to say how we're feeling your, how you you're being right now it doesn't have a good translation. I thought I've thought about it a lot. And I looked it up in the dictionary and things and it in it translates it as feeling or condition, your condition your writing, maybe hear your being exactly it. The better definition for it is your being like, how are you being your
Chris: hal? What is your condition?
Leyla: And so when we ask someone how they're doing in person, we say How are you today? So kind of like in English, you say, How are you How is your being, you know, are is related to being to be
Chris: Yeah, what condition is your condition?
Leyla: Yes, but it's it's And you can be in a state of hal, if you're in a state of hal means you're really connected with the moment. So another thing is the word hala means now. Hala
Chris: Hala.
Leyla: And so Hall if you're, you know, you can be right connected to the moment which we just went over time and dates before.
Chris: Yeah, that's very beautiful. Exactly. How, how are you? What is your condition at this moment in time? Exactly. How are you right now? Right, in a sense, right.
Leyla: And all language you know, when you really think about it can have these profound poetic meanings. That's, that's what's interesting about going over individual words, sometimes things that you've thought were you know, do you hear this question all the time? How are you? Khalid today? You hear this question all the time, that if you really sit down and think about it, you see Oh, wow, we've just struck on a human truth. Yeah, right. Halet Chetoreh?
Chris: Halet Chetoreh
Leyla: Okay, so how is your being? How are you feeling? So, again, we're talking about emotions. So let's go over a few few different things that you could say when you're asked this question How did today how's your being? And let's go over some opposites. That's a good way to learn emotions. So you can be happy. And that is khoshhal.
Chris: khoshhal
Leyla: So you hear that word hal? Khosh means happy, khoshhal. So hal is a happy being happy being khoshhal. I like that. My
Chris: being is khosh.
Leyla: And then if you're sad, it's, ghamgeen
Chris: ghamgeen
Leyla: Yeah, so that's a little bit more of a difficult word to say. But
Chris: it's difficult because you're sad.
Leyla: Again, exactly. So all of these if someone says halet chetoreh, and you want to say that you are happy you say you, you end it with an -am. That's the personal personalizing that
Chris: so So would it be khoshhalam.
Leyla: perfect. That's it.
Chris: I am the happy being.
Leyla: Yes. Khoshhalam
Chris: Khoshhalam
Leyla: perfect. So Halet chetoreh?
Chris: Khoshhalam. That might be my new favorite word
Leyla: Yeah, there's a really good word.
Chris: I am the happy being
Leyla: Yeah. So Halet chetore, Chris
Chris: Khoshhalam
Leyla: Yeah, and then if you want to say that you're sad
Chris: ghamgeenam
Leyla: great so Halet Chetoreh an answer that you're sad
Chris: ghamgeenam. I really put a lot of drama into this one
Leyla: He did he shook his head. If you were watching
Chris: squinted my eyes I really felt the pain
Leyla: he did. It was very well done. Too bad this isn't a YouTube video. Okay, so now let's learn another common emotion and asabanee I'm in what do you think that means?It means angry.
Chris: That's what I thought.
Leyla: Asabanee
Chris: Asabanee
Leyla: so you can be asabanee, or you could be calm- aram
Chris: Aram
Leyla: So as that's asabanee and aram
Chris: asabanee
Leyla: Yes, and another word that is opposite of aram is nervous. And that is asabee. so that's a good one to learn with asabanee
Chris: asabanee
Leyla: And then asab, asab is nerves. asabee means nervous. That's
Chris: interesting that in this language They connect. Nervous and anger. That is interesting, because that is a very, you know, there's direct connections there. Mm hmm. Asabee
Leyla: asabee
Chris: asabee. And then to say, I'm angry it's
Leyla: asabanee
Chris: Asabanee. Um, okay, I'm gonna use that.Next time. I get angry, which I never do. Never have to use
Leyla: another word for glad or happy is shad.
Chris: shad
Leyla: shod. So you can say you can feel shod happiness.
Chris: So if I was feeling and I would say shad
Leyla: it or you could be depressed, sad, and afsordeh
Chris: afsordeh
Leyla: Afsordeh is a bit more intense than ghamgeen which is sad. So after did depressed afsordeh, and that's one where you have to roll that 'r'- afsordeh
Chris: afsordeh
Leyla: Great. So shad
Chris: shad,
Leyla: happy and afsordeh
Chris: afsordeh depressed.
Leyla: And let's learn a couple more words that are associated with these feelings. Laughter the word for laughter is khandeh.
Chris: khandeh
Leyla: and the word for tears or crying is geryeh
Chris: geryeh
Leyla: And you could use those as emotions to by saying,
Now moving on. The word for how you are projecting yourself what your attitude is. The word for attitude is akhlagh.
Chris: Akhlagh
Leyla: So that has both of our are were letters or sounds that we don't have an English language. So this is gonna take some practice. Akhlagh
Chris: Akhlagh
Leyla: For those of you that are just starting out, remember, we just say practice this every day. It's just practice makes perfect. So it's something that you haven't grown up seeing it, you have to get used to it, your muscles have to get used to it. It's just like working out. It's a muscle memory thing. So, khosh akhlagh,
Chris: Khosh akhlagh
Leyla: And that means good attitude. Khosh akhlagh
Chris: Khosh akhlagh. Mm hmm.
Leyla: So that's having a good attitude. So if you want to say, you know, this person has a good attitude. They're cheery, they're so khosh akhlagh
Chris: Kosh akhlagh
Leyla: Yeah. And then if someone has a bad attitude, and they're very negative, you say, oh, bad akhlagh
Chris: Bad akhlagh
Leyla: if someone wakes up on the wrong side of the bed, oh yeah. And then you say, oh, okay, that's
Chris: better. Okay. So if you are just in a bad mood,
Leyla: well, let's learn a way to say that okay. So hosele is the word for patience hoseleh
Chris: Hosele
Leyla: yes. So then you can say ba hoseleh
Chris: ba hosele
Leyla: or you can say Bee hosele
Chris: bee hosele- that means without patience. I'm impatient. So if you wake up with a bad attitude, and you just want to tell people, okay, give me some space. Not feeling good to say bee hosele-am.
Leyla: Be wholesale-am.
Chris: Yeah, I don't have patience right now.
Leyla: Right. So so we use the,
Chris: that Bee word for bee ehsas,
Leyla: that's right. bee ehsas is without emotion,
Chris: right without emotion. And then you so you can say, you know, that's a person without emotion or you can say that's a person without patience.
Leyla: That's right. And we also I mean going back to that so we said bee ehsas and por ehsas. You could also say, by sauce, and that means Oh, that was full of feeling. Por ehsas
Chris: maybe after a good performance, you say, ba ehsas.
Leyla: Well, the performance could be ba ehsas, right person isn't really with the most so you can see Oh, that performance was ba ehsas bood. It was full it was full of emotion. Good. Good connection there. Okay, so then another thing that I wanted to talk about was likable and then hate, love and hate. Okay. Okay, so love. We don't really have a direct translation for
Chris: love. That's cause in Persian every word means love.
Leyla: that's a good point. But we do have so so love is more like liking something and liking something is doost dashtan
Chris: doost dashtan
Leyla: And you know the word doost means friend or liking. And then hate the word for hate is nefrat
Chris: nefrat
Leyla: And in I don't hear that word really used very often. Because we usually talk about your right person that's very loving. How about
Chris: fear?
Leyla: Fear is tars.
Chris: Tars
Leyla: Yeah, so Oh, you could say someone is fearful. You can say Tarsu
Chris: tarsoo
Leyla: Yeah, that person is tarsoo. Or you could say I am fearful of tars. por tars am that that's more of a thing that is por tars like I'm a fearful person. It's not I'm scared right now.
Chris: How do you how do you say I'm scared right now? Let's say that you're watching a scary movie and no one is home and it's like late sitting here boom.
Leyla: You can see you can either say I am afraid right now so meetarsam
Chris: meetarsam
Leyla: so I am scared right now or you can say you were scared in the past like tarseedam
Chris: tarseedam, I got scared, okay.
Leyla: That you can't really be an ongoing fearful person. No, that's not what I'm talking about.
Chris: When you get the goosebumps,
Leyla: right, but back to the nerat and doost dashtan to say that you are a loving person you say doost dashtanee
Chris: doost dashtanee
Leyla: that's a loving person. So doost dashtanee
Chris: Doost dashtanee
Leyla: Yeah, I'm loving. Okay. That is a few different words that you can learn for talking about your emotions.
Chris Yes.
Leyla: Which is in very important topics. So we're going to be exploring it a lot on the website. So login to China conversation dot com, Chai spelled CHAI. And we'll have all these words that you can go over in our bonus materials along with a lot of other words that have to do with emotions,
Chris: right? And leave us a comment if, if there's an emotion that we didn't cover and you want to learn more about.
Leyla: It's a very important topic. And oh, also, in our very first lesson of trying conversation, lesson one, we cover how to how to ask someone how they're doing, and how they can answer you back, which is a little bit different than emotions. But it's an important way to talk about how you're feeling,
Chris: right. So you can so this might be a good point to go back and relist and some of those early vintage chai and conversations.
Leyla: That's right, and then use this new vocabulary that you're learning to answer that question. Chetori, How are you? Yeah. And make sure to follow us on Instagram to see these words with illustrations. We vocabulary cards that can be downloaded also for members so that you can learn all these words and really memorize them. Well. And that brings us to the end of the lesson.
Chris: That's right. I hope you guys all go off with khoshhalee
Leyla: khoshhalee. That's right. So you go off with khoshhalee, with happiness. That's right. And khodahafez from Leyla
Chris: And khodahafez from Chris. Until next time