Persian / English Dictionary

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Persian (phonetic) English Script Appears In
(tō) meekhāi beeyāy you want to come (informal) (تو) می‌خوای بیای Talking about Wants and Possibilities
(tō) meekhāi beree you want to go (informal) (تو) می‌خوای بِری Talking about Wants and Possibilities
(tō) meekhāy khoshhāl bāshee You want to be happy (تو) می‌خوای خوشحال باشی Subjunctive To Have and To Be
(tō) meekhoree You eat (informal) (تو) می‌خوری Review of Unit 3
(tō) meekonee You do (تو) می‌کُنی Present Continuous Tense
(tō) meeree You go (تو) می‌‌ری Present Continuous Tense
(tō) meetoonee you can (informal) (تو) می‌تونی The Simple Subjunctive
(tō) meetoonee āvāz bekhoonee you can sing (تو) می‌‌تونی آواز بِخونی The Simple Subjunctive
(tō) meetoonee khoshhāl bāshee You can be happy (تو) می‌تونی خوشحال باشی Subjunctive To Have and To Be
(tō) meeyāree you bring (informal) (تو) می‌اری The Simple Subjunctive
(tō) meezāree you put (informal) (تو) می‌ذاری The Simple Subjunctive
(tō) mo’alem hastee. You are a teacher. (informal) (تو) مُعَلِِم هَستی. How to Talk About Your Job and Where You Work
(tō) nadāree You don’t have (تو) نَداری The verb ‘To Have’
(tō) nakhordee You didn’t eat (informal) (تو) نَخوردی Review of Unit 3
(tō) naraftee You didn’t go (تو) نَرَفتی The Simple Past Tense
(tō) nārāhat shodee You became unhappy (تو) ناراحَت شُدی Compound Verbs
(tō) neestee You are not (تو) نیستی The verb ‘To Have’
(tō) nemeedoonee You don’t know (تو) نِمی‌دونی Present Continuous Tense
(tō) nemeekhāy beree you don’t want to go (تو) نِمی‌خوای بِری Talking about Wants and Possibilities
(tō) nemeesheenee You don’t sit (تو) نِمی‌‌شینی Present Continuous Tense