Persian / English Dictionary

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Persian (phonetic) English Script Appears In
zahmat kam koneem Let's lift the burden. زحمت کم کنیم The Etiquette of Being Hosted
zahmat nakesh don't go through trouble زحمت نکش Navigating 'Tārof' in Different Social Situations, Introducing 'Tārof'
zamān zamān زَمان Time and Date (Vocabulary Sprint)
zameen land, ground, floor زَمین rendee deedam : Omar Khayyam's rendee deedam Part 2
zameen floor زَمین House / Home (Vocabulary Sprint)
zan woman زَن beshnō een nay: Rumi's beshnō een nay Part 2
zan wife (literally 'woman') زَن How to Talk About Your Family, and Introduce Their Names, Families (Vocabulary Sprint)
zan thoughts ظَن beshnō een nay: Rumi's beshnō een nay Part 4
zan: āhā, een ham fekré khoobee-yé. chee dorost bokoneem? Ah, that's a good idea, too. What should we make? زَن: آها، این هَم فِکرِ خوبیِه. چی دُرُست بُکُنیم؟ A Dialogue About What We Should Do Tonight
zanam chāhār māh hāmelast my wife is four months pregnant زنم جهار ماه حامله‌ست Babies
zanam hāmelast my wife is pregnant زنم حامله‌ست Babies
zan: bāshé, espāgetti! meetooneem yek feelmé eetāliyāyee ham kerāyé koneem va hameen jā, too khooné negāh koneem! Okay, spaghetti! We can rent an Italian movie and watch it here at home. زَن: باشِه، اسپاگِتی! می‌تونیم یِک فیلمِ ایتالیایی هَم کِرایِه کُنیم وَ هَمین جا، تو خونِه نِگاه کُنیم! A Dialogue About What We Should Do Tonight
zan: benazaré tō emshab cheekār bokoneem? In your opinion, what should we do tonight? زَن: بِنَظَرِ تو اِمشَب چِکار بُکُنیم؟ A Dialogue About What We Should Do Tonight
zan: doost dāree bereem cinemā? Would you like to go to the movies? زَن: دوست داری بِریم سینِما؟ A Dialogue About What We Should Do Tonight
zané khod their thoughts ظَنِ خود beshnō een nay: Rumi's beshnō een nay Part 4
zané man my wife زَنِ مَن The Concept of "ezāfé"
zangé een bālāyeeyé mā rā bezaneed tap our buzzer up here زَنگِ این بالاییِ ما را بِزَنید A Separation, Part 1
zan: gojé farangee dāreem, gooshté charkh kardé dāreem, va peeyāz dāreem. We have a tomato, ground beef, and onions. زَن: گُوجِه فَرَنگی داریم، گوشتِ چَرخ کَردِه داریم، وَ پیاز داریم. A Dialogue About What We Should Do Tonight
zan: man ghazāyé cheenee doost nadaram. ghazāyé eetāliyāyee beeshtar doost dāram. I don't like Chinese food. I like Italian food more. زَن: مَن غَذایِ چینی دوست نَدارَم. غَذایِ ایتالیایی بیشتَر دوست دارَم. A Dialogue About What We Should Do Tonight
zan: masalan kojā? Like where? زَن: مَثَلاً کُجا؟ A Dialogue About What We Should Do Tonight