Persian / English Dictionary

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Persian (phonetic) English Script Appears In
(shomā) āshpazee kardeen you (formal) cooked (شُما) آشپَزی کَردین Compound Verbs
shomā az teksās hasteen? Are you from Texas? (formal) شُما اَز تِکزاس هَستین؟ How to Say Where You Live, and Answer Simple Questions
shomā bāyad yejooree beeyāyeen ké man bespāramash bé shomā beram saré kār you have to be here somehow so that I can leave him with you and go to work شُما بایَد یِجوری بیایین کِه مَن بِسپارَمَش بِه شُما بِرَم سَرِ کار A Separation, Part 1
(shomā) bāzi kardeen you (formal) played (شُما) بازی کَردین Compound Verbs
shomā bedonyā oomadeen you (formal) were born شما به‌دنیاین Babies
(shomā) beeyāreen you bring (formal) (شُما) بیارین The Simple Subjunctive
(shomā) boodeen You were (شُما) بودین The Simple Past Tense
(shomā) chāi meekhāin? Do you want tea? (formal) (شُما) چای می‌خواین؟ How to Host or Be Hosted (especially when it involves chai)
(shomā) chāi meekhoreen? Will you drink some tea? (formal) (شُما) چای می‌خورین؟ How to Host or Be Hosted (especially when it involves chai)
(shomā) chand sāl dāreen? How old are you? (formal) (شُما) چَند سال دارین؟ The verb ‘To Have’
(shomā) chee mayl meekoneen? What would you like? (formal) ‌(شُما) چی مِیل می‌کُنین؟ How to Host or Be Hosted (especially when it involves chai)
(shomā) ché kāré hasteen? What do you do? (formal) (شُما) چِه‌کارِه هَستین؟ How to Talk About Your Job and Where You Work
(shomā) chetor-een? How are you? (formal) (شُما) چِطورین؟ How to Use Question Words, More Family Vocabulary, and a Few Filler Words and Phrases
(shomā) dāreen You have (formal) (شُما) دارین The verb ‘To Have’
(shomā) dāreen meekhoreen You are eating (formal) (شُما) دارین می‌خورین Review of Unit 3
(shomā) dāreen sohbat meekoneen You are speaking (f.) (شُما) دارین صُحبَت می‌کُنین Review of Unit 3
(shomā) dāshté bāsheen you have (شُما) داشتِه باشين Subjunctive To Have and To Be
(shomā) deevooné hasteen You are crazy (formal) (شُما) دیوونِه هَستین The verb ‘To Be’
(shomā) deltang hasteen You are heavy-hearted (formal) (شُما) دِلتَنگ هَستین The verb ‘To Be’
(shomā) dorost kardeen You (all) made (شُما) دُرُست کَردین Compound Verbs