Persian / English Dictionary

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Persian (phonetic) English Script Appears In
salāmat bāshan may they be healthy سَلامَت باشَن The Etiquette for Talking on the Phone
salāmat bāshee may you be healthy سَلامَت باشی Telephoning and Other Structured Infinitives
salām beresoon say hello سَلام بِرِسون The Etiquette for Talking on the Phone
sāl-ee each year سالی Habitual Actions
sāl-ee yek bār bé hāwaii meeram. I go to Hawaii once a year. سالی یِک بار بِه هاوایی می‌رَم. Habitual Actions
sālon living room سالُن House / Home (Vocabulary Sprint)
samadee hastam I'm Samadi سَمَدی هَستَم A Separation, Part 4
samanoo sweet pudding made with wheat germ سَمَنو Nowruz (Vocabulary Sprint)
sameemee intimate صمیمی fathe bagh: Forough Farokhzad's fathe bagh Part 4
sameemeeyat intimacy صمیمی‌یت fathe bagh: Forough Farokhzad's fathe bagh Part 4
sameemeeyaté tan hāmān the intimacy of our skin fathe bagh: Forough Farokhzad's fathe bagh Part 4
sandalee jelō meez-é. The chair is in front of the table. صَندَلی جِلو میزِه. Prepositions
sandalee jeloyé meez-é. The chair is in front of the table. صَندَلی جِلویِ میزِه. Prepositions
sandalee poshté meez-é. The chair is behind the table. صَندَلی پُشتِ میزِه. Prepositions
sandaleeyé nārāhat uncomfortable chair صَندَلیِ ناراحَت The Concept of "ezāfé"
sandaleeyé rāhat comfortable chair صَندَلیِ راحَت The Concept of "ezāfé"
sandaleeyé sheeké kootāh the short comfortable chair صَندَلیِ شیکِ کوتاه The Concept of "ezāfé"
sāndeveech dorost kardam I made a sandwich ساندِویچ دُرُست کَردَم Compound Verbs
sānyé second ثانیِه Time and Date (Vocabulary Sprint)
sar head سَر aybé rendān makon: Hafez's aybé rendān makon Part 6