Persian / English Dictionary

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Persian (phonetic) English Script Appears In
seeyāh black سیاه shād zee: Rudaki's shād zee Part 2
seeyāpooshan kalāghat your crows are wearing black سیاپوشن کلاغات meegan ké jangé jangé: Monir Taha's meegan ké jangé jangé Intro
seezdah 13 سیزدَه More Numbers, and the Months, Days and Seasons
seezdah bedar Seezdah bedar سیزدَه‌ بِدر Nowruz (Vocabulary Sprint)
sefeed white سِفید Colors (Vocabulary Sprint)
sefr zero صِفر How to Talk More About Your Family, and How to Count to Ten
senjed Persian olive سِنجِد Nowruz (Vocabulary Sprint)
septembre September سِپتامبر More Numbers, and the Months, Days and Seasons
seresht born of, by nature سِرِشت aybé rendān makon: Hafez's aybé rendān makon Part 2
serké vinegar سِرکِه Nowruz (Vocabulary Sprint)
séshambé Tuesday سِهشَنبه Time and Date (Vocabulary Sprint)
sé shanbé Tuesday سِه‌شَنبِه More Numbers, and the Months, Days and Seasons
sevom 3rd سِوٌُم More Numbers, and the Months, Days and Seasons
shab night شب rooz o shab: Rumi's rooz o shab Part 2, rooz o shab: Rumi's rooz o shab Part 3
shab bekhayr good night شَب بِخِیر How to Greet People at Different Times of Day, Say Goodbye, and Introduce Yourself
shabé tāreek dark night شَبِ تاریک The Concept of "ezāfé"
shabé tāreeké sard the cold dark night شَبِ تاریکِ سَرد The Concept of "ezāfé"
shab-hā every night شَب‌ها Present Continuous Tense
shab-hā shām meekohram Every night, I eat dinner شَب‌‌ها شام می‌خورَم Present Continuous Tense
shād happy شاد shād zee: Rudaki's shād zee Part 2