Persian / English Dictionary

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Persian (phonetic) English Script Appears In
amé aunt (paternal) عَمِه How to Talk About Your Family, and Introduce Their Names, How to Use Question Words, More Family Vocabulary, and a Few Filler Words and Phrases, Families (Vocabulary Sprint)
amoo uncle (paternal) عَمو How to Talk About Your Family, and Introduce Their Names, How to Use Question Words, More Family Vocabulary, and a Few Filler Words and Phrases, Families (Vocabulary Sprint)
āmookhtan to learn آموختَن payāmé naseem: Hafez's payāmé naseem Part 4
āmreekā the United States آمریکا How to Introduce Where You are From, and Introducing the Different forms of You
āmrikāyee American آمریکایی The verb ‘To Be’
āmrikāyee hast He/she is American آمریکایی هَست The verb ‘To Be’
āmrikāyee hastam I am American آمریکایی هَستَم The verb ‘To Be’
āmrikāyee hastan They are American آمریکایی هَستَن The verb ‘To Be’
āmrikāyee hastee You are American (informal) آمریکایی هَستی The verb ‘To Be’
āmrikāyee hasteem We are American آمریکایی هَستیم The verb ‘To Be’
āmrikāyee hasteen You are American (formal) آمریکایی هَستین The verb ‘To Be’
āmrikāyee-yam I am American آمریکایی‌اَم The verb ‘To Be’
āmrikāyee-yan They are American آمریکایی‌اَن The verb ‘To Be’
āmrikāyee-yee You are American (informal) آمریکایی‌ای The verb ‘To Be’
āmrikāyee-yeem We are American آمریکایی‌ایم The verb ‘To Be’
āmrikāyee-yeen You are American (formal) آمریکایی‌این The verb ‘To Be’
-an They are َن The verb ‘To Be’
ān it آن Review of Unit 2
andar in, within اَندَر rendee deedam : Omar Khayyam's rendee deedam Part 2
angosht finger Parts of the Body (Vocabulary Sprint)