Persian / English Dictionary

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Persian (phonetic) English Script Appears In
āmrikāyee-yee You are American (informal) آمریکایی‌ای The verb ‘To Be’
āmrikāyee-yeem We are American آمریکایی‌ایم The verb ‘To Be’
āmrikāyee-yeen You are American (formal) آمریکایی‌این The verb ‘To Be’
-an They are َن The verb ‘To Be’
ān it آن Review of Unit 2
andar in, within اَندَر rendee deedam : Omar Khayyam's rendee deedam Part 2
angosht finger اَنگُشت Parts of the Body (Vocabulary Sprint)
angoshtar ring اَنگُشتَر Proposals, Marriages and Weddings
angoshtaré almās diamond ring اَنگُشتَرِ اَلماس Proposals, Marriages and Weddings
ānhā they آنها Review of Unit 2
(ānhā) deevooné hastan They are crazy (آنها) دیوونِه هَستَن The verb ‘To Be’
(ānhā) deltang hastan They are heavy-hearted (آنها) دِلتَنگ هَستَن The verb ‘To Be’
(ānhā) hastand They are (آنها) هَستَند The verb ‘To Be’
(ānhā) irānee hastan They are Iranian (آنها)‌ ایرانی هَستَن The verb ‘To Be’
(ānhā) khoshgel hastan They are pretty (آنها) خوشگِل هَستَن The verb ‘To Be’
(ānhā) khoshhāl hastan They are happy (آنها) خوش‌حال هَستَن The verb ‘To Be’
ān kalāghy ké pareed as farāzé saré mā va foroo raft dar andeesheyé āshoféeye abree velgard That crow which flew over our heads and descended into the disturbed thought of a vagabond cloud fathe bagh: Forough Farokhzad's fathe bagh Intro
ar if اَر payāmé naseem: Hafez's payāmé naseem Part 2
arabee Arabic عَرَبی How to Speak About the Languages You Know
ārām calm آرام Emotion (Vocabulary Sprint)