Persian / English Dictionary

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Persian (phonetic) English Script Appears In
āghel wise عاقِل payāmé naseem: Hafez's payāmé naseem Part 6
ahvāl porsee asking how people are doing اَحوال‌پُرسی The Etiquette for Talking on the Phone
aidee gift عیدی Nowruz (Vocabulary Sprint)
aidé shomā mobārak Happy New Year عید شُما مُبارَک Nowruz (Vocabulary Sprint)
ajab zeeb-āst! It's so beautiful! عَجَب زیباست! A Dialogue between Leyla and Her Uncle Ahmad
ajal death اَجَل aybé rendān makon: Hafez's aybé rendān makon Part 6
akharé hafté weekend آخَرِهَفتِه How to Talk About Daily Routines
ākharé hafté weekend آخَرِ هَفتِه Time and Date (Vocabulary Sprint)
ākharé hafté cheekār kardee? What did you do during the weekend? (informal) آخَرِ هَفتِه چِه‌کار کَردی؟ The Simple Past Tense, Present Continuous Tense
ākharé hafté cheekār kardee? What did you do over the weekend? (informal) آخَرِ هَفتِه چِه‌کار کَردی؟ Compound Verbs
ākharé hafté cheekār kardeen? What did you do during the weekend? (formal) آخَرِ هَفتِه چِه‌کار کَردین؟ The Simple Past Tense, Compound Verbs
ākharé hafté cheekār meekonee? What are you doing over the weekend? آخَرِ هَفتِه چِه‌کار می‌کُنی؟ Present Continuous Tense
alaf grass علف dar golestané: Sohrab Sepehri's dar golestané Part 4
ālam the world عالَم barafshān: Hafez's barafshān Part 5
alān ham meegam I'm saying it now, too اَلان هَم می‌گَم A Separation, Part 5
albaté of course اَلبَتِّه The Etiquette for Talking on the Phone
ālee great عالی How to Greet People and Ask How They're Doing
āllmānee German آلمانی How to Speak About the Languages You Know
ālmān Germany آلمان How to Introduce Where You are From, and Introducing the Different forms of You
almās diamond الماس Proposals, Marriages and Weddings